Jaringan Di Linux

Hardware Compatibilty
# lspci
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies
Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE] (rev 01)
01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc
RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE] (Secondary) (rev 01)
02:06.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor
Co., Ltd. RTL-8169 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 10)

Lihat Konfigurasi Jaringan
# ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

Konfigurasi Kartu Jaringan
# ifconfig eth0
# ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:76:81:AD:8F
inet addr: Bcast:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
Interrupt:20 Base address:0x4f00

Test Jaringan
# ping -c 5
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.044 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.028 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.030 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.033 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.047 ms
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.028/0.036/0.047/0.009 ms

# nmap
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at
2007-01-28 07:49 WIT mass_dns: warning: Unable to
determine any DNS servers. Reverse DNS is disabled. Try
using --system-dns or specify valid servers with –
dns_servers Interesting ports on Not shown:
1675 closed ports
21/tcp open ftp
22/tcp open ssh
37/tcp open time
113/tcp open auth
631/tcp open ipp
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.134

Remote Server
# ssh The authenticity of host '
(' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting
(yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to
the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:
Last login: Sun Jan 28 07:38:18 2007

File Transfer
# ftp Connected to
220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)
Name ( root – Nama Pengguna
331 Please specify the password.
Password: --Masukan Passord root--
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
Ftp> -- Siapa menerima perintah--Bingung ketikan help

Tool Lainnya
● scp (Secure Copy) Using SSH Service
● gftp (Gnome File Transfer Protocol)
● mc (Midnight Commander)
● Browser (Firefox, Opera)

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Perintah Dasar Di Linux

Shortcut (Jalan Pintas)
● Tab = Melengkapi kata (Tab Completion)
● Ctrl + L = Membersihkan layar
● Ctrl + U = Membersihkan baris pengetikan
● Ctrl + D = Log Out atau keluar dari sistem
● Ctrl + C = Menghentikan proses di konsole
● Ctrl + alt + del = merestart komputer
● Ctrl + alt + F1-F6 = Berpindah dari X ke Konsole
● Alt + F1-F6 = Berpindah antar terminal
● Alt + F7-F12 = Berpindah antar X Window aktif

pwd (Print Working Directory)
Digunakan untuk mengetahui posisi aktiv dari direktori yang anda gunakan Gunakan bila anda sedang bingung atau tersesat Sangat cocok untuk orang yang pelupa

ls (List)
● Menampilkan isi direktori aktiv
– ls
● Menampilkan isi direktori per list
– ls -l
● Menampilkan isi direktori yang tersembunyi
– ls -al
● Untuk mengetahui opsi lainnya
– man ls
– Tekan tombol Q untuk keluar dari manual

cd (Change DIrectory)
● Digunakan untuk berpindah ke direktori home
– cd /home
● Kembali ke home direktori dimanapun berada
– cd ~
● Kembali ke direktori sebelumnya
– cd -
● Berpindah satu langkah ke depan
– cd ..
● Berpindah dua langkah
– cd ../../
● Berpindah ke direktori root (/)
– cd /

mkdir (Make Directory)
● Membuat direktori baru dengan nama belajar
– mkdir belajar
● Membuat direktori 3 sekaligus
– mkdir -p /saya/belajar/linux
● Membuat 5 buah direktori sekaligus dibawah
direktori saya
– mkdir /saya/{a,b,c,d,e}

rm, rmdir (Remove Directory)
● rm = untuk menghapus file atau direktori
– rm [nama-file]
– rm -r [nama-direktori]
● rmdir = menghapus direktori
– rmdir [nama-direktori]
● Menghapus direktori linux
– rm -r /saya/belajar/linux
● Menghapus direktori belajar
– rmdir /saya/belajar

mv (Move)
● Mengganti nama file atau direktori
– mv [nama-file] atau mv [nama-direktori]
● Memindah file atau direktori
– mv [nama-file] [direktori-tujuan]
● Mengganti nama a dibawah direktori saya menjadi
– mv /saya/a /saya/latihan atau
● Masuk ke direktori saya sehingga perintahnya
– mv a latihan
● Memindahkan direktori latihan ke direktori b
– mv -r latihan /saya/b

w, who, whoami
● w dan who perintah yang digunakan untuk
mengetahui user (pengguna) yang sedang login
(aktiv) didalam sistem
● whoami merupakan perintah untuk mengetahui
nama user yang digunakan (aktiv)
● w, who, whoami cocok untuk memantau
keamanan komputer atau masuk kedalam sistem
orang lain

Mengakhiri Proses
● halt, init 0 (nol), poweroff dan shutdown
merupakan perintah yang digunakan untuk mengakhiri semua proses dalam sistem (mematikan komputer)
● reboot dan tiga tombol pamungkas (ctrl + alt +
del) merupakan perintah untuk merestart komputer

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Setting proxy lewat konsole di keluarga Dibian

export http_proxy="http://ip_proxy:port"

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Pembajakan Software Turun, Kerugian Malah Naik

Pembajakan Software Turun, Kerugian Malah Naik
Ardhi Suryadhi - detikinet

Jakarta - Meski Indonesia mencatat penurunan peringkat dalam pembajakan piranti lunak di dunia, namun kerugian yang diderita justru makin besar. Ada apa?

Indonesia turun peringkat ke posisi 8 dalam pembajakan piranti lunak di dunia. Berdasarkan studi terbaru yang dikeluarkan Business Software Alliance (BSA) hari ini, Selasa (15/5/2007), tingkat pembajakan software di Indonesia pada akhir 2006 adalah 85%.

Angka itu turun 2 persen dari tahun sebelumnya (akhir 2005) yaitu 87 persen. Dengan demikian, posisi Indonesia turun dari posisi 3 ke posisi 8 dalam tingkat pembajakan piranti lunak global.

Namun, kerugian yang dihasilkan dibandingkan tahun lalu justru lebih besar. Pada 2005 kerugian piranti lunak bajakan di Indonesia mencapai US$ 280 juta, pada tahun ini (akhir 2006) meningkat menjadi US$ 350 juta.

Menurut Jeffrey Hardee, Vice President & Regional Director BSA Asia, hasil yang didapat Indonesia menunjukkan penegakkan hak cipta di tanah air dilakukan secara serius. Demikian ujarnya dalam teleconference dari Hong Kong yang disaksikan wartawan di Indonesia di Kantor BSA, Sampoerna Strategic Tower, Jakarta, Selasa (15/5/2007).

Tingginya nilai kerugian disebut indikasi pertumbuhan industri piranti lunak di Indonesia. Donny A. Sheyoputra, Perwakilan BSA di Indonesia, mengatakan volume penjualan piranti lunak bajakan di pasaran meningkat. Sehingga, lanjutnya, meski persentasenya turun jumlah yang terjual justru makin banyak.

Menurut Donny piranti lunak yang paling banyak dibajak di tanah air adalah sistem operasi, office application dan antivirus. "Hampir setiap razia yang kita lakukan pasti ada software tersebut," ujarnya.

Secara global, tiga negara yang tingkat pembajakannya tertinggi ditempati oleh Armenia (95%), Moldova (94%) dan Azerbaijan (94%). Ketiga negara tersebut adalah pendatang baru karena sebelumnya tidak pernah disurvei oleh BSA.

Berikut daftar lengkap 10 negara pembajak terbesar versi BSA:
1. Armenia (95%)
2. Moldova (94%)
3. Azerbaijan (94%)
4. Zimbabwe (91%)
5. Vietnam (88%)
6. Venezuela (86%)
7. Pakistan (86%)
8. Indonesia (85%)
9. Ukraina (84%)
10. Kamerun (84%)

Sedangkan negara dengan tingkat pembajakan terendah versi BSA adalah:
1. Amerika Serikat (21%)
2. Selandia Baru 22%)
3. Jepang (25%)
4. Denmark (25%)
5. Austria (26%)
6. Swiss (26%)
7. Swedia (26%)
8. Finlandia (27%)
9. Inggris (27%)
10. Jerman (28%)

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Mirror Local

Repo Debian (dan Debian Security)

Untuk pengguna Debian, repo yang disediakan adalah binary etch, lenny, dan sid untuk arsitektur i386 dan amd64.

Isi sources.list yang dapat dilayani oleh mirror ini adalah:

deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/debian etch main non-free contrib
deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/debian stable-proposed-updates main non-free contrib
deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/debian lenny main non-free contrib
deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/debian testing-proposed-updates main non-free contrib
deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/debian sid main non-free contrib

Debian Security untuk etch dapat dituliskan seperti ini:

deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/debian-security etch/updates main non-free contrib

Repo Debian-Unofficial

Kata webnya:

Debian Unofficial is a repository for packages not available within the official Debian repository. It contains packages which are not distributable within Debian due to special license terms as well as packages which are not included in Debian due to political reasons (e.g. alleged possible patent infrigement, binary-only/no sources, or special too restrictive licenses).
Actually, most of the packages in this repository are built especially for Debian Unofficial parts of the software you find here may also be available on other sites: Debian Unofficial collects them, rebuilds them to save quality assurance and puts them, for users convenience, in this very repository.

Entry sources.list-nya silakan disusun sendiri

Repo Ubuntu

Untuk pengguna Ubuntu, repo yang disediakan adalah binary feisty dan gutsy untuk arsitektur i386 dan amd64.

Isi sources.list yang dapat dilayani oleh mirror ini adalah:

deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/ubuntu feisty main multiverse restricted universe
deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/ubuntu feisty-security main multiverse restricted universe
deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/ubuntu feisty-backports main multiverse restricted universe
deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/ubuntu feisty-updates main multiverse restricted universe

deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/ubuntu gutsy main multiverse restricted universe
deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/ubuntu gutsy-security main multiverse restricted universe
deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/ubuntu gutsy-backports main multiverse restricted universe
deb http://mirror.its.ac.id/ubuntu gutsy-updates main multiverse restricted universe

Menyalin Repo Debian (dan Ubuntu)

Repo debian dan ubuntu pada server ini bisa disalin menggunakan debmirror. Anda dapat menyalin isinya dengan perintah di bawah ini, atau sesuaikan bagian dist, arch, dan section dengan kebutuhan anda.


debmirror --verbose --pdiff=none --host=mirror.its.ac.id \
--dist=$DISTS --section=$SECTION \
--nosource --arch=$ARCH --method=ftp \
--ignore-release-gpg --root=debian /dir/mirror/anda


debmirror --verbose --method=ftp --host=mirror.its.ac.id \
--dist=$DISTS --section=$SECTION \
--arch=$ARCH --nosource --root=ubuntu \
--ignore-release-gpg --pdiff=mirror /dir/mirror/anda

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Konfigurasi Samba

Konfigurasi Samba
Login sebagai user root, kemudian lakukan editing dengan menggunakan text editor pada file /etc/samba/smb.conf
koluserver@server:~# vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
Berikut file konfigurasi samba.conf :
# Change this for the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part
workgroups = kolu
# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
server string = %h server (Samba %v)
; guest account = nobody
invalid users = root
# If you want Samba to log though syslog only then set the following
# parameter to 'yes'. Please note that logging through syslog in
# Samba is still experimental.
; syslog only = no
# We want Samba to log a minimum amount of information to syslog.
# should go to /var/log/samba/log.{smb,nmb} instead. If you want to log
# through syslog you should set the following parameter to something
syslog = 0
# "security = user" is always a good idea. This will require a Unix
# in this server for every user accessing the server. See
# security_level.txt for details.
; security = user
# You may wish to use password encryption. Please read ENCRYPTION.txt,
# Win95.txt and WinNT.txt in the Samba documentation. Do not enable this
# option unless you have read those documents
encrypt passwords = false
# Using the following line enables you to customise your configuration
# on a per machine basis. The %m gets replaced with the netbios name
# of the machine that is connecting
; include = /home/samba/etc/smb.conf.%m
# Most people will find that this option gives better performance.
# See speed.txt and the manual pages for details
# You may want to add the following on a Linux system:
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
# --- Browser Control Options ---
# Please _read_ BROWSING.txt and set the next four parameters according
# to your network setup. The defaults are specified below (commented
# out.) It's important that you read BROWSING.txt so you don't break
# browsing in your network!
# set local master to no if you don't want Samba to become a master
# browser on your network. Otherwise the normal election rules apply

; local master = yes
# OS Level determines the precedence of this server in master browser
# elections. The default value should be reasonable
; os level = 20
# --- End of Browser Control Options ---
# Windows Internet Name Serving Support Section:
# WINS Support - Tells the NMBD component of Samba to enable it's WINS
; wins support = no
# WINS Server - Tells the NMBD components of Samba to be a WINS Client
# Note: Samba can be either a WINS Server, or a WINS Client, but NOT both
; wins server = w.x.y.z
# This will prevent nmbd to search for NetBIOS names through DNS.
dns proxy = no
# What naming service and in what order should we use to resolve host
# to IP addresses
; name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
# Name mangling options
; preserve case = yes
; short preserve case = yes
# This boolean parameter controlls whether Samba attempts to sync. the
# password with the SMB password when the encrypted SMB password in the
# /etc/samba/smbpasswd file is changed.
; unix password sync = false
# For Unix password sync. to work on a Debian GNU/Linux system, the
# parameters must be set (thanks to Augustin Luton
# sending the correct chat script for the passwd program in Debian
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n
*Retype\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n .
# This boolean controls whether PAM will be used for password changes
# when requested by an SMB client instead of the program listed in
# 'passwd program'. The default is 'no'.
; pam password change = no
# The following parameter is useful only if you have the linpopup package
# installed. The samba maintainer and the linpopup maintainer are
# working to ease installation and configuration of linpopup and samba.
; message command = /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/linpopup "%f" "%m" %s; rm %s' &
obey pam restrictions = yes
# Some defaults for winbind (make sure you're not using the ranges
# for something else.)
; winbind uid = 10000-20000
; winbind gid = 10000-20000
; template shell = /bin/bash
#======= Share Definitions ========
comment = Home Directories
browseable = yes
public = yes
read only = yes

comment = berisi lagu - lagu
browseable = yes
read only = yes
public = yes
guest ok = yes
writable = no
path = /windows/win_i/

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Configurasi Interface Debian

# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(, ifdown(
# The loopback interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian installation
# (network, broadcast and gateway are optional)
auto eth0 iface eth0
inet static address

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